Where do you ship orders from?
We ship from all over the country! When you place your order, we will send it to the nearest warehouse with inventory available. Often your orders will be shipped in multiple packages to get everything to you as quickly as we can.
Can I pay for expedited shipping?
At this time the fastest shipping shown at checkout is the quickest method. We are always working with our supplier network and couriers to bring you the fastest, most reliable deliveries.
Can you ship internationally or accept US credit cards?
While we would love to, we don’t ship internationally at this time. We currently ship to the 48 Continental US states and only accept US credit cards.
Can I pick up my order since I live close to a warehouse?
Our warehouses are for distribution purposes only and do not have pick up available. We will always provide the fastest shipping possible so that you never have to leave home for an order!
How do I properly care for specific types of fabric?
Everyone is different and so are fabrics! It’s best to refer to the washing instructions on the manufacturer tag of the item for best results.
How often do you restock items?
We restock items every day! We restock each style, size, and color as soon as they become available from the manufacturer.
How do I match items for color?
Matching colors can be tricky so we recommend a few very important rules to follow when doing so! Always be sure to choose the exact same color name by the same manufacturer. It also helps to ensure you are ordering the same fabrication.